

ホーム > 刊行物 > 地磁気観測所要報 第12巻 第02号 > 地磁気観測所要報 第12巻 第02号 >Notes on the Geomagnetic Disturbances for the Pre-SC stage of PCA

地磁気観測所要報 第12巻 第02号, p.43, December, 1966

Notes on the Geomagnetic Disturbances for the Pre-SC stage of PCA

Yamaguchi, Y.


 On Feb. 10, 1958, magnetic disturbance occurred simultaneously with the onset of PCA (Polar Cap Absorption) in the auroral zone, before SSC at 0126 Feb. 11. Hitherto, it is well known that PCA is the ionization effect of the lower ionosphere in the polar cap, caused by the solar sub-cosmic ray bombardment and has not relation with the geomagnetic disturbance. The examination of such the events as one on Feb. 10 during the IGY, results in that the magnetic disturbances may relate more closely to AA (Auroral Absorption).
  An explanation of the simultaneity of the magnetic disturbance and PCA in the auroral zone is qualitatively attempted.

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